Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Greetings

This year I was busy preparing for the series of activities so much so that I have no time to send each individual their Christmas greetings.

Just to say:::::::: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my prayer partners and supporters. :-)

In NTGH we had most of our Christmas activites done before 25th.Dec 2010. And for the first time, I had a good rest on Christmas Day itself.

My three chidlren are away in KL. My wife, hai yen, had also left for KL to attend to a relative's wedding function. I was left alone in Nibong Tebal for Christmas! First time in these 34 years.

Thank God for the rest. I have to pray and plan for the year 2011.
God bless you all.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Challenge to the Mindset

I had the opportunity to attend a wedding service in another church in KL lately. Relatives and friends attended the service were amazed at the facilitites in the church hall.
The good sound system, the double LCD projections and a reflecting LCD screen for the singers. No one has to hold a song sheet. Not even the song leader need to hold a song sheet. Everything is on the screen. The presentation and the song leading were so natural.No one need to turn their head to read from the back screen, it is just right infront of them.
The service order was superb. Many non church going relatives were impressed by the church wedding. One of them even shouted "bravoo" at the end of a very impressive presentation.
Something worth thinking about. Something worth reviewing and worth investing into. It shows how much the leaders wanted to give the best to GOD in their presentation and worship.

Getting People Into the Church?

Where did the people go on Sunday? What are they doing on Sunday morning instead of going to church? How could the church attract these people to the churches?

Due to my late night travelling, I had to rest till late morning. I made myself free that Sunday morning because of such family matters and late night long distance travelling.

I visited the Hypermarket and took some snap shots and I had these many questions in my mind. I had this prompting in my heart. I had this thoughts flowing through my mind.

Here parents took their chidlren for breakfast and early shopping.
Here the crowd was entertained by professional entertainer for Chrstmas season.
Here the sound system is so much better than many churches.
Here there is laughter and joy.
Even the elderly find it relaxing, and spending their Sunday morning just watching people passing by.
Here you see young people laughing and have good fellowship, shopping and eating their meals.
Of course they missed God and His Word.

But how often Christians complained that they could not understand what was preached in the meeting. Some felt neglected by people. Others had unforgiveness in their hearts. Children felt boring attending unprepared lessons etc.

Oh! May God speaks to our hearts from the scene of a Hypermarket. May God's churches improve themselves in their presentation and in their teaching sessions. Churches must also invest into good sound systems and good visual aids presentation etc.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Bidor Fellowship and Speaking Engagement

Kiwi was invited to speak at Bidor Gospel Centre on Sunday 5th.Dec 2010.

Kiwi and wife set off their journey at 6.00am from Nibong Tebal. They had a smooth journey to Bidor. They stopped at one of the shop for breakfast before dropping in to the church.

They joined the church for worship and fellowship. Kiwi was asked to speak on John 1:1-3 The heavenly origin of our Savior Christ Jesus.

He reminded the church to recall the mission of the Lord when He was sent into this world. The true meaning of Christmas. He came to seek and to save the lost.(Lk 19:10) He emphasised that Christmas is the time to re focus the vision and mission of the church. Mere celebration without checking our purpose of such celebration is just a religious festival. However, celebrating Christmas with a clear evangelistic vision, and refocusing the church in the vision of seeking and saving the lost will bring life into the congregation. Sets in a revival.

Having leading the thought of the Lord's heavenly origin, Kiwi challenged the christians to fully trusting the Lord with their ambitions,life and hope. Allowing the Lord, our potter, to work through us, the clay in the potter's hand.

After the simple fellowship lunch, they drove back to Nibong Tebal. It was a meaningful trip and a smooth journey. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aunty Mary Rest In The Lord

She had not been well for some time. Nevertheless, she loved to host cell group meeting in her house. Though she cant see, she can sing from her memory many of the choruses and hymns.

She was called home to be with the Lord this morning.
Thank God, we had a very menaingful wake service this evening. Many church friends and neighbours turned up for the service.

May the peace and love of God be to her as she meet up with God. May God comfort the children and blesses the family.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daughter's Teacher Posting

Chia Hoey graduated in May 2010. She is the joyful girl,enjoying the fellowship of both fellow university friends and church friends.

Immediately after her graduation, she joined the PKA camp as a helper. A camp catering for the U-students. At the end of the camp she took up a temporary work in a factory for five months.
God's timing, at the end of her five month contract, she joined the Emmaus Bible School's Youth Camp as a helper.

While at the camp in KL she was called up to report for teaching. She reported to the kementerian and also reported at her posted school: SM Chong Wah,Setapak,KL. She would be officially report to the school on 13/12/2010 (Requested by the Principal).

Thank God, her camp ends on 10/12/2010 just in time for her to report to school. Praise the Lord.

God is good to her. God is good to us as a family. Praise the Lord !

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kiwi's Preaching at Seremban Gospel Hall

Kiwi was invited to take some meetings at Seremban Gospel Hall recently. He drove all the way from Nibong Tebal to Seremban on Saturday 20/11/2010. He had fellowship with the fulltime worker, and was taken for a steam boat dinner.
Kiwi preached on Sunday morning service on: Role of Local Church in Missions.
After the session, a group of their youth presented a song item. There was a simple lunch provided to church members immediately after the morning worship service.
Kiwi was asked to speak at a special Youth Meeting after lunch. Thank God the youth who came for the worship service, came over to attend this special meeting. As soon as the meeting was over, Kiwi had to drive to Nilai Gospel Hall to drop his daughter who was going to help up in a Youth Camp, and at the same time to pick up a Christian member who wanted to take a lift back to Nibong Tebal.
Kiwi stopped at Ipoh for dinner. Immeidately after dinner he drove back to NT.
Thanks for praying and thank God for a smooth journey. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

LIM gone to be with the Lord.

In my memory, he was actively serving God in the days of his youth. He was a jolly person, easily get along. He was kind and caring towards those who need help. However, age caught up with him. He was 76 when he was called to be with the Lord.

Not many were at the night service as well as his funeral service. He wanted it to be simple and he stated that he wanted his funeral to be done in low profile. May be because of this, few came for his services.

Whatever it may be, Mr.Lim, rest in peace. God remember your every good deed done in His name. He was cremated on 16/11/2010

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Following Christ

How would you follow Christ? There is only one way-----denial yourself, take up your cross and follow the Lord.

I was speaking at BRGH Penang on 31/10/2010. I specially emphasised on following Christ in God's way----self denial, take up our cross and follow Christ.

Unless we are prepared to do so, we can annot expect any breakthrough in our spiritual life. More so, we cannot expect spiritual revival among the churches.

Self denial---- is to allow Christ be the Lord of our life. Emptying our self, and be humble before God. It has the sense of obedience to God and to walk in God's will.

Take up the cross --- to suffer and to die for preaching and standing up for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Willing to be humiliated and be thought as a fool by the world for the gospel sake. It is a willingness to minister to others in the love of God.

The church needs to stand up again for the gospel of Jesus Christ. More young people must be willing to offer themselves for the ministry----- to reachout to the lost for the Lord. More Christians must be willing to live a simpler lifestyle and to pastor and equip the saints of the Lord.

Pray for revival to come into our lives.Amen.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

KL Forum Sessions

This year I was given an opportunity to participate in the special KL Forum organised by MEBS. In fact, during these sessions Christians were given opportunity to ask questions pertaining to the topic in discussion.

This dialogue and special topical discussion benefited many Christians who joined us. We can notice that there is a good respond in attendance as well as in their readiness to ask questions.

Pray that more will join us in 2011.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reflection: My Trip to Nilai

I was at Nilai Gospel Hall last week end 9/1o and 10/10 taking two meetings. I was also speaking at KLGH at the Special Session at night.

What impressed me most is the yearning to learn and the heart to serve God from the youth sector of the churches. If only these youn people are willing to offer themselves at the altar to allow God to touch and use their lives, there will be revival among the Brethren churches.

My prayer is that leaders are willing to learn as well. Even to change the mindset in the approach to ministry while holding fast to the Word (not so much of to the tradition of man.)

I was speaking on "Who has stolen the Money of God". The main objective was to encourage the saints to give faithfully towards the Lord's ministry, and also to support and have practical fellowship with whose who are serving the Lord. Unless there is this improvement in pratical support to workers, nobody is brave enough to step forward in fulltime ministry among the Brenthren churches.

My prayer is that God will raise up new workers to enter into this harvest field.Amen.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Christmas Planning

NTGH is planning for Christmas 2010. Do support us in prayer.
Most probably we will have our Christmas Dinner on Saturday 18/12/2010
We are planning to have our Hospital Carolling on 22/12
God willing, we will have fellowship with Jireh Home on 12/12
We are thinking of a Leaders Fellowship and Prayer day on 7/12 (Public Holiday)

Do remember us in prayer.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

God Helped him stand up again

Thank God for the saints and the many ministries in Ipoh Garden Baptist Church. They are full of life and have great plan to win the lost for the Lord.

I was glad to have the opportunity to preach the Word in their midst. There was one brother Mr.Ho who witnessed how God had helped him to stand up again. He lost both his legs in an accident soem 30 years ago. Due to that accident he dear wife could not take it, and she left him. By God's grace, someone shared Christ with him. God touched his life and he accepted the Lord.

In faith he lived on and earn for his own living. By the grace of God, he met a lady who loved him, inspite of his handicap. They got married. God was so good to restore his life and he was able to live to testify to God's goodness.

Praise the Lord.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Prayer Request Aug.2010

I have been invited to speak at the Ipoh Garden Baptist Church this 15/8 Sunday. Speaking in English in the morning session and speaking in Cantonese in the evening session.

Pray that it will be a blessing to the church.

Next Sunday 22/8 I will be speaking at Butterworth Gospel Hall (Chinese service). Pray for an effective preaching ministry.

Pray as I seek the Lord to know His will for my ministry in 2011.
* Should I spend more time in NTGH English Assembly in 2011?
* Is there any new ministry to start off in NTGH English Assembly?
* How to be more effective in nuturing my Tuesday evening Bible Study Cell Group (Cfc Bukit Tambun)?


Saturday, August 07, 2010

Finally....she made it through by God's grace.

Thank God, my youngest daughter Chia Hoey had her convocation on 7/8/2010 at USM Penang. She is geared for a teaching career. She had just gone for her interview with the Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Hopefully she will receive her posting early next year.
Presently she is working in a factory to gain some exposure of working life. She hopes that such experience will help to to counsel students more wisely in her future teaching career.
As parents we rejoice with Chia Hoey. We thank God for seeing our three children through their universities. All praises to the Lord on high.Amen.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Appointment of Elders--Cameron Gospel Hall

On 27/6/2010 Cameron Gospel Hall appointed Brother Randy Chok and Brother Codie as their elders.They have also appointed brother Hang Meng and brother Vijian as their deacons.
Pray that God will bless them as they lead and oversee the matters of the church.
Mr.Chin was the speaker of the day.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Cameron Mission House Project

Thank God the Cameron Mission House project is near its completion. Presently it is under interior finishing touch: tiling and plaster ceiling. Thereafter, followed by light fittings and other fixture. By end of 2010 the place will be ready for use.

In fact, we can begin booking for church family camp for 2011.
God willing NTGH English Assembly may want to book for 2011.

Pray for smooth completion of the project. Your contribution towards the building fund is welcome. So do send your gift to Cameron Gospel Hall if you are moved by the Lord to give towards this project.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Passing Away of a great leader--Mr.Cheah

Mr.Ceah Siak Leng ,elder of Burmah Road Chinese Gospel Hall was called to be with the Lord on 15/6/2010. A great crowd came for the funeral service in BRGH Chinese Hall on 19/6/2010 Late Mr.Cheah was laid to rest in Westland Road Christian cemetery after the service.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Prayer Request--June

By God's grace Kiwi will be speaking at Bidor Gospel Centre this 20/June.
Kiwi will also be taking meetings at Cameron Gospel Hall this 27 June.

Thank God for a good trip to Gopeng for the BRGH Chinese Family Camp (9-11 June.) Though it was right in the middle of a palm oil estate, the venue was good for a camp. In fact it is occupied most week ends. It is fully booked during holiday seasons.

Harvest Haven is also used for Bible school catering for students who are waiting for their SPM and STPM results (Jan-Feb each year.)


BRGH Family Camp

Harvest Haven right in the middle of a palm oil estate in Gopeng.

Date: 9-11 June 2010

Venue: Harvest Haven,Gopeng
Topic: Coming together as a Family
Speaker: Khor Kee Ooi

Program: Sermons, Group Discussion, Outtings, BBQ ,free time (swimming)

Topic: (1) Staying In Love (2)Bringing up the children

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A God Blessed Week End 30/5/2010

I had a good day at Burmah Road Gospel Hall Chinese Assemnly,taking two meetings for the week end. When I returned to Nibong Tebal I had to get ready for the Vietnamese Wedding Service in NTGH English Hall.
A number of us represented the groom's side to bless the day. A few others represented the bride side to bless the day. It was such a memorial day---first Vietnamese Wedding in church.
I was asked to say the opneing prayer.
May God bless the couple.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Morib Trip Follow up

It was a great camp,well organised and active participation from members and church leaders.
Group discussion brought forth much benefit to the members. Even the younger ones are well occupied. They did a good handy work too.
Personally I believe a well plan One-day Camp can bring about the spiritual benefit to church members as much as a three-day camp. In fact, the busy schedule of church members would not allow time for a longer camp. Such a One-Day Camp is a alternative for them. I am sure church leaders can give a consideration to such posibility and to benefit church unity and church growth.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Morib One-Day Camp

I will be driving to Morib Impian Hotel to take up a camp organised by Janjarom Gospel Hall. It is held on 28/5 Wesak public holiday. I am expected to reach before 9am and the camp dismiss at 5pm. I hope to drive from 3am to reach at 8am. Pray for my safety on the road.

Knowing that I can never make it back to Nibong Tebal after break camp, I decided to put a night there and start my return journey well before lunch on 29/5. In fact Klang Gospel Hall would like to have me at their morning service on 30/5 but I have to speak at Penang Burmah Road Chinese Assembly on 30/5.

I will be taking a 3-day camp from 9-11/June organised by BRGH Chinese Assembly. Do uphold me in prayer. Thanks.


Thanks for your concern

Praise the Lord! A number of my supporters have been asking where is Kiwi? No news from him. Others are wondering what happened to Kiwi. Lately I have also received a card and a fellowship gift from Singapore Sewing Circle.

Once again many thanks for remembering me before God.

I am fine. However, having well past my 60th.birthday, it is time to slow down. More so after 33 years of fulltime ministry. It is time to get ready for my "old age".

Fruther more, my work is now in good hands....leaders are handling church administration, not me. Surely it is time to fall back to my "calling'....preaching ministry. Thus I am moving around with invitations to speak at various assemblies.

You may have heard that Kiwi has gone back to secular job. Not true.Kiwi has taken up tent making ministry. Some 10 years ago due to some misunderstanding, churches were led to believe that Kiwi has left the Assembly. All practical fellowship were cut. It was a tough time for me. It was a time that my children were growing up. Thus I had to fall back to do some small business to keep myself going.

Though badly hurt yet never give up. Thank God my children are all out of their universities,and had taken up jobs and actively involved themselves in church ministry. During this hard time, I had to see my wife to medical treatment for her SLE illness. It was tough time with almost everybody leaving me. Thank God for NTGH which backs me up all this while.

Nevertheless, I had not slack in anyway in the ministry. Thank God for the strength and the encouragement. And it was because of this "rejection" from the Assemblies, that I had decided to stop my KiwiNewsletters.

Do pray with me as I continue to serve the Lord in this last lapse of my life.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Impian Gospel Centre/Butterworth Gospel Hall YP

It is not easy to keep young people at our Youth Fellowship. You must have something interesting to hold them,otherwise, they will drop off from meeting.
If your number is too small to hold a meeting, how about combine with a nearby church? If you have man power problem, how about share your resources?
Butterworth has its YP combined with Impian Gospel Centre. Youth leaders made an effort to fetch the young people to meeting. The Youth leader at Impian Gospel Centre also made an effort to bring in their own YPs. They shared their resources, with leaders from both churches coming together to lead the YP Fellowship.
The objective is to keep the youths and help them to grow up in the knowledge of God. Sharing with them the gospel and winning them to Christ. What makes you so reluctant to combine your small youth congregation with that of a neighbouring church?
Thank God I was invited to speak to this group on 17/4 and I am glad to see so many of them. May God bless them.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Trip To The South

I had my first trip to the south after serving fulltime for 33 years.
I was invited by Sedenak Gospel Hall to take two meetings on 10/4 and 11/4.
I thank God for the blessing of preaching His Word at this church. I am sure God has touched their lives. I also make an effort to visit Kulai Gospel Hall. Just wanted to know its whereabout. On the way back to Nibong Tebal, I made a special visit to Jasin Home for the Aged. I had the opportunity to encourage the sister who is serving fulltime at this Home.
In fact, it is common that people just forget those who serve fulltime among the Brethren. More so if you work among special ministry, not standing fore front in the church congregation. This jasin Home is a caring ministry initiated and operated by the Brethren churches.
Though the journey was tiring, driving from NT to Sedenak and returned the next day after the morning service, it was worth it. May God bless the churches in Sedenak, Kulai and Jasin.Amen.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fusukang---Online Assembly Chinese Magazine

Hi my beloved supporters and prayer partners:

Just to inform you that the latest issue (No.9) of Fusukang is ready for reading online. You are welcome to visit if you read Chinese. This issue we discussed on the importance of Preaching Ministry, and how church leaders should plan their pulpit ministry well.

Elders are not just to fill up speakers every Sunday, but to plan and seek the Lord for wisdom to build up the congregation through preaching ministry, teaching ministry etc.

I hope to complet the second term in this Literature ministry. However, the Chinese Assemblies need to have new people ready to take over. Pray with us that God will raise up such team in years ahead.

My term expire on the next Elders Conference in 2011.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Prayer Request

Dearly beloved,

God willing pastor Kiwi will be going to Sedenak Gospel Hall this coming 10th. & 11th.April. He will be speaking at their 40th.Annivesary Thanksgiving Service and also teaching at their Sunday worship service.

This is the first time in 33 years of fulltime ministry that our brother is travelling down to Johor. Pray for his journey mercy and also seek the Lord's anointing as he prepares for the services.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to Hai Yen

Happy birthday to Hai Yen.
Simple,though, thank God for strength and good health.
She had a treat to xiu long pao in Penang.
God bless her in the years ahead.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Masking means pretending to be what you are not. You are not a kind person, but for the sake of a certain political objective you tried to be nice and helpful. You are not caring but because you are a leader in a community, when certain event too place you tried to be caring and concern, paying visits to homes and orphanages.

Bible has a term for it: hypocrites.

Christians are suppose to be sincere and truthful in all they say and do. However, many are learning to have masking too. Being a pretender, he can be sensitive to people's comment and talks. Feeling insecure, he can go all out to slander and to destroy his opponents.

Christian must not have masking----- be true and sincere before the Lord.
What is slandering? Telling half truth with the intention to destroy the creditibility of a person. It is usually done out of jealousy and the spirit of vengence.

Are you real? Truthful? or Are you also a pretender?

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Lost Generation

"There was no king (clear leadership)...and every man did whatever he thought was right."( Judges 21:25)

I think this verse is best to describe the condition is many churches, and in many individual live. A kind of "lost" feeling. How did the church of the Almighty come this state of situation? How can a believer drop to that low spirit?

If I may say, I would rather say we are not obedience to the teaching of the Word. We are not humble enough to follow God's way. We wanted our own way.

Imagine I was taking a meeting in a place some one hour driving distance away from my home. As the meeting come to a close, I heard the Lord saying, do not take their fellowship gift. Give towards their church fund. I need to sponsor my travelling expenses and food, however, I obeyed.

I was preaching in a meeting and I had the prompting from the Lord to declared that the leadership was not willing to listen to God but wanting smooth talk from man. So The Lord declared that I will not preach in that Sunday service anymore. Woh! That was serious. But after much struggling I obeyed. From then on I have not accepted any invitation from them.

My surprise is that instead of humbly checking before the Lord, man resort to "killing the prophet".

How "lost" can we be if we refuse to abide to the rule of the Lord. So is this lost generation. Return to the Word, and submit to the Lord. Life will spring up again with joy and much blessing.