Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Masking means pretending to be what you are not. You are not a kind person, but for the sake of a certain political objective you tried to be nice and helpful. You are not caring but because you are a leader in a community, when certain event too place you tried to be caring and concern, paying visits to homes and orphanages.

Bible has a term for it: hypocrites.

Christians are suppose to be sincere and truthful in all they say and do. However, many are learning to have masking too. Being a pretender, he can be sensitive to people's comment and talks. Feeling insecure, he can go all out to slander and to destroy his opponents.

Christian must not have masking----- be true and sincere before the Lord.
What is slandering? Telling half truth with the intention to destroy the creditibility of a person. It is usually done out of jealousy and the spirit of vengence.

Are you real? Truthful? or Are you also a pretender?

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