Where did the people go on Sunday? What are they doing on Sunday morning instead of going to church? How could the church attract these people to the churches?
Due to my late night travelling, I had to rest till late morning. I made myself free that Sunday morning because of such family matters and late night long distance travelling.
I visited the Hypermarket and took some snap shots and I had these many questions in my mind. I had this prompting in my heart. I had this thoughts flowing through my mind.
Here parents took their chidlren for breakfast and early shopping.
Here the crowd was entertained by professional entertainer for Chrstmas season.
Here the sound system is so much better than many churches.
Here there is laughter and joy.
Even the elderly find it relaxing, and spending their Sunday morning just watching people passing by.
Here you see young people laughing and have good fellowship, shopping and eating their meals.
Of course they missed God and His Word.
But how often Christians complained that they could not understand what was preached in the meeting. Some felt neglected by people. Others had unforgiveness in their hearts. Children felt boring attending unprepared lessons etc.
Oh! May God speaks to our hearts from the scene of a Hypermarket. May God's churches improve themselves in their presentation and in their teaching sessions. Churches must also invest into good sound systems and good visual aids presentation etc.
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