Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas dinner at NTGH

As usual NTGH Engish Assembly had a Christmas to reachout to friends and relatives. We have about 120 at the dinner. Over half of them are non Christian friends and relatives.
We managed to present some song items and reading the Christmas story from the book of Luke.We shared the gospel through songs and testimony, even our Nepali brethren joined us.
Pray that the Spirit will impress in the hearts of our friend regarding the love and sacrifices of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We have Mr.Peter song lead, Mr.Fong reading the Bible story, Bro.Kiwi to share and preach the gospel. We have the young people repsenting the sng item, and also our Nepali brethren giving a song item. Praise the Lord !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nepali Christmas at NTGH 2008

Last week was the Vietnamese Christmas service and this week 21st.Dec is the Nepali Christians celebrating Christmas in NTGH.
Some 150 people came for the service. Nine of them accepted the Lord at the end of the day.
Our Nepali brethren had put in their best, best dressed up, best food reception (costing RM1500 for catering), best turn up as expected, best tiems, and they had some Indonesian believers among them too. These Indonesians believers also presented some song items.
Praise God.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas at NTGH

This year we have the Vietnamese Christians to decorate the hall for the church. The "Gift of a Child Jesus" from God the Almighty.

Emmanuel---God with us in the person of His Son our Lord Jesus.

He came that we might have life. Our Lord is the life Giver.Amen.

God's Grace Upon Them

Some 200 people came for the VN Christmas gathering on 14/12/08. Twenty of them accepted the Lord.They came forward to seek the saving grace of the Lord.

Thanks for your prayer support. This is definitely a great gift from God to the VN Fellowship.Praise the Lord!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

AIGC Special

I was invited to take the Sunday Morning ministry as well as the evening Hokkien Christmas Special at AIGC on 7th.December 2008.
Thank God for blessing AIGC. We had a very lively worship, and over a hundred people came for te evening service. Among them were many non Christian friends.
One of them openly indicated that he wanted to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
The Lord surely has been blessing the church. The evening we had our Christmas Special, it was raining heavily over the mainland, but dry on the Island. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

NTGH VietNam Fellowship

(Pic.Joe/Henry and a video clip)

30rh.November 2008 witnessed the combined fellowship of NTGH English speaking and Vietnamese speaking congregations.We began with a breaking of bread service followed by the Vietnamese Thanksgivings Service.

Mr.Henry spoke on behalf of the Vietnamese congregation, giving thanks to the English congregation for their support and fellowship for the Vietnamese believers.Joe thanked the English congregation for practical fellowship and partnership in the ministry.Pastor Kiwi was invited to minister the Word to them all.

The Vietnamese also presented a praise and worship item.They gave away presents to church leaders in appreciation for their support for the Vietnamese ministry. They even prepared Vietnamese dishes to treat all of us for lunch. The Nepalis believers were also invited to join in the lunch

Praise the Lord.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2008 Chinese Youth Camp

Thank God for the blessing the Chinese Youth Camp organised by NTGH/SBGH from 23rd-26th.November in CCC Penang.
We had over 110 campers, staff and teachers.
What makes the camp so special? Camp commandant returned from Serdang, Game organiser returned from Serdang, many other assistants from outstations, one even came back from Singapore just to be around to help up.Another from UM KL, yet another from USM Penang.
Others took leave from work on and off to be in the camp to help up.
Very comforting to know how our labours in the past has nurtured so many young people who were willing to come back home (to NTGH) to help up in the camp.
This is more comforting to our Youth Worker,sister Tong who is also the camp organiser. She is so encouraged by the willingness of her ex-YP members to come in to help up in the camp. Praise the Lord.
We have also received helps from youth leaders of other Assemblies in Seberang Perai and Penang. Thanks to all and praise to the Lord for blessing this camp.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Really Lost In Klang

I was invited to take the Sunday morning ministry at Jenjarom Gospel hall and also at Klang Gospel hall on 16/11/08. Having being away from Klang for over 35 years, I had to go one day earlier.

I started journey early in the morning and attended to some personal matter in Desa Petaling before going off to Klang and Jenjarom. I managed to find whereabout of the Jenjarom Gospel Hall. I met up with a brethren at Janjarom to confirm I would be there the next morning. Knowing that I was able to find the church, I returned to Klang to see the whereabout of Klang Gospel Hall. It was not too difficult to find the church hall.

Having know the whereabout of both the church hall I thought it was time for a rest in the hotel. My son had booked Hotel Histana much earlier. My family members had already checkd in to the hotel be then.However, failed to locate the hotel.

At first I look for the hotel over the same part of Klang as Klang Gospel Hall. I could not find the hotel. I called my son and he told me it was on the other side of Klanf river. So I crossed the river and got myself jammed up in the slow moving trafic. Still could not find the hotel. I asked around and no one seems to be able to help, because I am a stranger to Klang even when they told me some hints. I got lost in Klang, got out of the tol and got myself into Shah Alam, retuend to Kland and got myself so lost that I decided to staop at a Cuci Kereta to wash my car.

I got myself rested before JayaJusco and asked my son to look for me. He got me and guided me to the hotel. I was really ried out! It was already near 6.00pm almost 10 hours driving from 8.00am
It is an experience that I will not forget.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wonderful Fellowship

What a wonderful fellowship at NTGH on 26/10/08. For the first time both the members pf the Nepali Fellowship and Vietnamese Fellowship met together. We have sharing, worship, and also presentation of items, as well as the preaching of the gospel.

In everything we said, we need to interprete into Vietnamese and Nepali languages. We have Amar and Joe acting as interpreters. At the end of the service is a simple dinner for all.

Thank God for such a wonderful time together.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Prayer Request

The Chinese youth camp is just round the corner: Nov 23-26 at CCC Penang. 76 campers had sign up for the camp. Pray for the camp committee: Camp Commandant, Game Organiser, Secretary, group leaders, camp teachers etc.

Pray for a spiritual awakening among the campers and also great learning from the lessons.

Pray for the safety of all campers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Special Occasion in NTGH

If I am not mistaken it is a rare occasion for a couple to accept Christ as their Lord and saviour and be baptised on the same day.Mr.& Mrs Tiah Chang Ti got baptised on 19/10/2008 in NTGH. Their children and mother witnessed this baptism too. Pray that more of the family members will come to know the Lord.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pantai Remis Gospel Hall

I was in Pantai Remis some time ago to take a special gospel meeting. This is no small town! Its business activities is better than many other towns, and definitely much better than Nibong Tebal.
Thank God for not forsaking the Assembly in Pantai Remis. There is a flame of revival in the Assembly.It has acquired a new premises, a shoplot for church meeting. It can take in over a hundred. It has a beautiful stage and a very up todate sound system.
During the special meeting over 80 people turned up. There were many non Christian friends in the meeting. Do remember to pray for the work in this fishing town of Pantai Remis. They have a need to meet their loans for their new premises. If God move your heart to exrecise fellowship with them, send them a gift. Visit Pantai Remis and see for yourself how God is working among them.

Joy Of Salvation

I had an opportunity to speak at two special meetings up in the Cameron. One was their Latern Festival--- an outreach effort. Another was a baptismal service.
Both the services strongly remind us of the need of strong fellowship and rejoicing with those who have come to the Lord.
We can see how the newly baptised brother and sister presented a praise and worship to the Lord for their step of faith in baptism.
Praise the Lord.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Need of Support

During the recent Oversight meeting we noticed the following:

1. We need fund to continue supporting the ministry among the foreign workers. We have just launch a food aid program in July. We encourage our members to contribute in cash and kind to assist these foreign workers in their daily food provisions to make up for the high cost of living created by the fuel price crisis.

2. We need fund to pay back the bank loans for the two inits of shoplots that we are presently using as our church premises. Every month NTGH is paying RM3200.00 (begining August 2008) for the loan repayment instalments.

3. We need volunteers to drive the church van to help fetching some foreign workers back to their quarters after the morning worship services. (To cut down the number of trips for the hired van.)

4. We need fund to pay for the air-cond project (still short of RM1900).

May our good God continue to bless NTGH.

Making Good Use of Opportunity

NTGH English Assembly leadership believed that we must make good use of opportunity to equip the Nepali Christians preparing them to do church planting back in their motherland. Thus we encouraged them to come and stay in church on Saturday night. We planned to hold a special teaching session with them during the night and God, willing, teach them English as much as we can.

This was officially started on 2nd August. Fifiteen of them came. Kiwi will be doing with them the module on "Local church and it's missions". We hope to cover this for August and September.

After the night sessions the group put up in the church and preparing themselves for the worship the next morning. Do Pray with us that the group will be euipped for future church planting in Nepal.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Inter-Assembly YP Fellowship day

On 31/5 five Chinese Assemblies young people met at Butterworth Gospel Hall for inter-fellowship.
This is an anual affair to encourage the young people in their faith and to creat opportunity for them to know each other. We aim to creat a clique that holds them together in brotherly love in the household of God.

Two more being added to the Church

Thank God for two Nepali believers coming forward to accept the water baptism on 23/6/08
They were baptised by their own Nepali leaders. It is our prayer that these Nepali believers will be equiped to lead and to propagate the gospel in Nepal when they returned home one day. Their hands-on expereinces will surely prepare them for such a day.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Vietnamese Special

Thank God another 10 of the Vietnamese were baptised. Just pray that they will grow up in the faith.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Visit to Bidor Gospel Centre

I was placed to speak at Bidor Gospel Centre this morning (13/4/08). They had thei sunday service at 9.00am It is a bi-linggual Chinese and English service.

I started my journey at 6.10am and had my breakfast at the popular Bidor Pang Zhang. I must say the mee is really expensive RM5.00 each plate. Nevertheless, it was good to be back at a old familiar shop which I used to drop in before the present Express way was built.

Bidor has a small congregation, but it has good fellowship and full of life among its members. May God bless them with more believers joining them. Pray the those who attend their students' fellowship will one day come for the worship service too.

Thank God for the opportunity to minister to the saints at Bidor.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Serving Silently Behind the Scene

Who is this? She has served the Lord in NTGH for the past 18 years. She served as a Youth Worker wroking among the youth of the Chinese Assembly.
Many of our youth will remember her for her deligent service, her wholehearted service and her care and guidance in their lives.
Many church members will remember her for the van driving, her joyful services and her practical fellowship.
Very often churches have forgotten these sisters who serve behind the scene. Very often they are unknown to many. They do not receive practical fellowship from churches just like their male counterparts. Yet they are happily serving God.
Do remember these sisters in your churches in your prayer and thanksgivings. Extend some form of fellowship to encourage them. God bless our sisters.
She is sister Tong Gaik Sim of NTGH.Praise the Lord for her services.

Easter Special

Thank God for a good turn up during the Vietnamese Easter Special. The Crowd was presented with the Jesus Film in Vietnamese while waiting for the rest to come in. We have Joe and Henry at the meeting. Joe led in some singing, while Ann and another sister led in worship. Henry presented to them the gospel.

Thanks for those who have given towards the refreshment. Surely the Lord will bless the ministry as more Vietnamese are being led to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Joe was blessed with a new motorcycle just recently. Both Jeo and Ann will be moving around in their ministry with their newly purchased motorcycle. Pray for their safety as they travel on the road.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Giving Our Blessings

Our elders committed this couple to work with the Vietnamese. They have just joined us for this ministry. We pray that God will do wonderful works through this young couple.
They joined us in faith, and we have to look to God to provide them their monthly allowances. If God touch your heart, you may want to support them through our VN Ministry. Joe is a graduate and he holds a Master in Div. One of our sisters in NTGH has given them her flat to stay while they are serving with NTGH. Praise the Lord!

God's Provisions for Jireh Home

Rebeka & David are running an Aged Home in Kulim----Jireh Home. It has been 15 years since. They have to feed some 25 inmates.

Praise God, they were invited to share with the saints in NTGH English Assembly on 27/1/2008. From their sharing we see how God has been graciously providing them through both believers and non-believers.

We rejoice with them for the good work done. May God bless them.

Joyful Moment

By God's grace, another three Nepali believers were baptised on 27/1/2008 Together with them was a Sabahan sister.The difference this time is that we have two sisters baptised and two brothers as well. A big crowd came to witness their baptism.
Surely this is a good start for the year 2008. Praise the Lord.