Monday, November 17, 2008

Really Lost In Klang

I was invited to take the Sunday morning ministry at Jenjarom Gospel hall and also at Klang Gospel hall on 16/11/08. Having being away from Klang for over 35 years, I had to go one day earlier.

I started journey early in the morning and attended to some personal matter in Desa Petaling before going off to Klang and Jenjarom. I managed to find whereabout of the Jenjarom Gospel Hall. I met up with a brethren at Janjarom to confirm I would be there the next morning. Knowing that I was able to find the church, I returned to Klang to see the whereabout of Klang Gospel Hall. It was not too difficult to find the church hall.

Having know the whereabout of both the church hall I thought it was time for a rest in the hotel. My son had booked Hotel Histana much earlier. My family members had already checkd in to the hotel be then.However, failed to locate the hotel.

At first I look for the hotel over the same part of Klang as Klang Gospel Hall. I could not find the hotel. I called my son and he told me it was on the other side of Klanf river. So I crossed the river and got myself jammed up in the slow moving trafic. Still could not find the hotel. I asked around and no one seems to be able to help, because I am a stranger to Klang even when they told me some hints. I got lost in Klang, got out of the tol and got myself into Shah Alam, retuend to Kland and got myself so lost that I decided to staop at a Cuci Kereta to wash my car.

I got myself rested before JayaJusco and asked my son to look for me. He got me and guided me to the hotel. I was really ried out! It was already near 6.00pm almost 10 hours driving from 8.00am
It is an experience that I will not forget.

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