Sunday, April 13, 2008

Visit to Bidor Gospel Centre

I was placed to speak at Bidor Gospel Centre this morning (13/4/08). They had thei sunday service at 9.00am It is a bi-linggual Chinese and English service.

I started my journey at 6.10am and had my breakfast at the popular Bidor Pang Zhang. I must say the mee is really expensive RM5.00 each plate. Nevertheless, it was good to be back at a old familiar shop which I used to drop in before the present Express way was built.

Bidor has a small congregation, but it has good fellowship and full of life among its members. May God bless them with more believers joining them. Pray the those who attend their students' fellowship will one day come for the worship service too.

Thank God for the opportunity to minister to the saints at Bidor.

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