Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Masking means pretending to be what you are not. You are not a kind person, but for the sake of a certain political objective you tried to be nice and helpful. You are not caring but because you are a leader in a community, when certain event too place you tried to be caring and concern, paying visits to homes and orphanages.

Bible has a term for it: hypocrites.

Christians are suppose to be sincere and truthful in all they say and do. However, many are learning to have masking too. Being a pretender, he can be sensitive to people's comment and talks. Feeling insecure, he can go all out to slander and to destroy his opponents.

Christian must not have masking----- be true and sincere before the Lord.
What is slandering? Telling half truth with the intention to destroy the creditibility of a person. It is usually done out of jealousy and the spirit of vengence.

Are you real? Truthful? or Are you also a pretender?

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Lost Generation

"There was no king (clear leadership)...and every man did whatever he thought was right."( Judges 21:25)

I think this verse is best to describe the condition is many churches, and in many individual live. A kind of "lost" feeling. How did the church of the Almighty come this state of situation? How can a believer drop to that low spirit?

If I may say, I would rather say we are not obedience to the teaching of the Word. We are not humble enough to follow God's way. We wanted our own way.

Imagine I was taking a meeting in a place some one hour driving distance away from my home. As the meeting come to a close, I heard the Lord saying, do not take their fellowship gift. Give towards their church fund. I need to sponsor my travelling expenses and food, however, I obeyed.

I was preaching in a meeting and I had the prompting from the Lord to declared that the leadership was not willing to listen to God but wanting smooth talk from man. So The Lord declared that I will not preach in that Sunday service anymore. Woh! That was serious. But after much struggling I obeyed. From then on I have not accepted any invitation from them.

My surprise is that instead of humbly checking before the Lord, man resort to "killing the prophet".

How "lost" can we be if we refuse to abide to the rule of the Lord. So is this lost generation. Return to the Word, and submit to the Lord. Life will spring up again with joy and much blessing.