Friday, November 20, 2009

Plan for 2010

Time to plan for 2010.
You cannot leave it to the last moment of 2009 otherwise your 2010 will not be a fulfilling year. You will know what you want as you sit down to plan ahead.

I have almost got my itinenary planned out for 2010.
This coming January is my 60th. birthday. It is my 33rd anniversay of fulltime ministry.

Though I am on my semi-retiring schedule (because no more doing pastoral ministry), I returned to my itinenary preaching ministry.

However, I am giving most of my time to the Chinese Assemblies, that is where the need is.
Nevertheless, I hope to pay visits to Melaka, Klang Valley, Johor Sedenak etc. ( Places I miss out in my fulltime ministry.)

Do continue to uphold me in prayer, asking God for an effective and powerful ministry.


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