Monday, November 23, 2009

Share Your hearts Out

Speak up or you will not have a chance to improve our churches. Do you love your church? Must Brethren Churches in Malaysia stay weak and ineffective?

1.Are you happy with what it is at this present moment?
2.Do you have any personal experiences and wanted to share as how the church can be improved!
3.What is your suggestion as how we can improve our churches? What changes must take place ?
4.If things go on as it is what can you expect of the Brethren churches?

Be caring, loving, and truthfully, give your constructive comments..... while it is still time to improve our churches.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Plan for 2010

Time to plan for 2010.
You cannot leave it to the last moment of 2009 otherwise your 2010 will not be a fulfilling year. You will know what you want as you sit down to plan ahead.

I have almost got my itinenary planned out for 2010.
This coming January is my 60th. birthday. It is my 33rd anniversay of fulltime ministry.

Though I am on my semi-retiring schedule (because no more doing pastoral ministry), I returned to my itinenary preaching ministry.

However, I am giving most of my time to the Chinese Assemblies, that is where the need is.
Nevertheless, I hope to pay visits to Melaka, Klang Valley, Johor Sedenak etc. ( Places I miss out in my fulltime ministry.)

Do continue to uphold me in prayer, asking God for an effective and powerful ministry.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

MEBS 以圣 需要你的支持

MEBS is the short name for Malaysian Emmaus Bible School which is registered as Yi Sheng Resources Sdn Bhd.
It is the Brethren Church Bible Training Centre for Malaysian Chinese Assemblies. It is now situated at Nilai, oversee by the Board of management represented by the leaders of some of the Brethren churches. It has also the Exco Committee running the school itself.
On 14/11 and 15/11 The Board and the Exco Committee together with representatives from the Alumini and also members from Cameron Gospel Hall met to receive the report for the plan of MEBS for 2010.
In short, MEBS hopes to serve the churches through its many teaching and training program. MEBS is taking in two fulltime staff: one for Youth Ministry and another For Working Adults Ministry.
Both Ng and Khoo will join MEBS with immediate efffect. (Ng is available only in 2010)

MEBS needs your financial aids to meet its commitment. Praise the Lord.