Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sungai Bakap Gospel Hall 25th.Anniversary

29th.August 2009 marked the 25th.Anniversary of the New Sungai Bakap Gospel Hall. In fact, the work of SBGH was initially started by the early missionaries in the 1900. A hall was built in the 1930 and when that hall was demolished a second was built in the 40s. It lasted till early 70s when it gave way to a new Sungai Bakap highway.
By God's grace, with the help of the Ng family, a new church was built and commence a new Sungai Bakap Gospel Hall in 1984.
Mr.Ng Kim Chuang a member of the early Ng family came to give an account of the history of SBGH. The young leader Zhi Xing song lead the special service and a fulltime worker from the local congregation TehSeng Kong preached the Word.
Praise God for keeping the work going ever since the 1900.

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