Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's Up ? Busy?

I had chosen to remain at low key for a moment. I am searching my heart to know God's leading in my life and my ministry.

1. I've left NTGH Chinese Assembly to the management of their elected elders. So i've opted out of church administration.

2. I've also considered to stop my Kiwinews temporary.

3. I am conisdering to step down from eldership and church administration in NTGH English Assembly by January 2010. (My 60th,birthday)

4. I have started a fellowship group at Tambun Indah,Simpang Ampat since 1st.April. I have meeting on Tuesday night 8.30pm-10.00pm So far we had three sessions already. First session, 6 us. Second sessions 9 of us. Tonight 4 absent but we still have 8.

I called the group Cfc "Christian Fellowship Community". In Chinese it is Mei Ya Ji Du Tu Tuan Qi.Tuesday night is call Du Jing Hui (Bible Study Fellowship).

Many things are changing around me....allow me to settledown and to know the leading of God.
Pray for me.

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