Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Flock Needs a Shepherd

Looking into the need of many Brethren Churches, I must say that the flock needs a shpeherd more than anything else. The flock needs a fulltime shepherd to visit them when they are sick at home, to encourage them when they faced with disappointment of life, to comfort them when they are in sorrow, to minister to them when they are wounded in the spirit etc.

They need someone to come round them when there is a sudden demise of a loved one. They need the shepherd to guide them along the path of life with the elightenment of the Word of God.
They need someone to talk to whenever they are in distress. A shepherd. A fulltime elder who is available anytime to the saints of his church.

Such elder must step out to serve the church in faith. He must be able to teach from the Word. He must be willing to serve the community of believers. He is to serve and not to be served. He must be willing to lead the church in its course to fullfil the goal of the Great Commission. He is stationed in one local church. He is the leader in the Oversight. Other elders and deacons and deaconess are there to assist him to get the work done.

The church may have a fulltime Youth Worker who works under the supervision of this fulltime elder. When the fulltime elder is available, the fulltime worker (a preacher) should be released to preach the Word in other churches. The fulltime worker's responsibility is to nurtured an undeveloped church, equip the saints for leadership and to go on to another when a fulltime elder is appointed. It is the duty of the local churches to support the fulltime preacher so that he can work among the many local churches.

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