How should we go about planting new local churches?What has the Bible to say about this matter? Surely the Acts of Apostles should be able to give us some guideline in this matter.
Case Study No.1 Acts 1:4-5/8
Waiting in Prayer"Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about...You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Whenever we have a burden and vision to plant a local church in a certain region, we should first shared with our church leadership. Gathered for prayer with those of the same vision. Ask God for a clearer direction, and ask for wisdom to plan ahead. Waiting in prayer is the first step in church planting. We wanted to know exactly where the Lord is leading, and how to go about in a certain location with their local culture and people group.
Start Sowing the GospelOrganise a small mission team to visit the place and to make a good survey of the place and people. Make contact with local believers and share with them the desire of starting a local church in their own locality. Go about making contacts with the local people, sharing the goodnews, and give some practical fellowship to the poor and needy; praying for the sick.
For those who have believed the gospel, baptising them and gathered them for regular home fellowship and workship. Began organsing some regular prayer and Bible study sessions, and weekly worship in the home of Christians.
Increase ManpowerWith good pastoral care and regular witnessing and sharing, the number will surely grow. With the increase in membership, increase with manpower. Recruiting more Christians to join in the new work. Appoint local believers to leadership role allowing them to watch and to learn the administration and running of the local church.
This could only be possible if there is a continuous descipleship training program. As soon as some local leadership is appointed, a establishment of a new local church is officially announced. It should be given a name suiting the scripture teaching. You may want to call it So and So (name of a town or district) Gospel Center; or So and So Christian Assembly. Name that seems to include all believers of the particular district or locality.
It all this preparation, the Sending Church must be informed. The leaders of the sending church must be invited to give their blessing to this newly established local church.
Case Study No.2 Acts 11:19-21
Migration ChurchPeople do move around due to livelihood and employment. Soem move because they have purchased their houses in a newly established township. Each time when members of a church began to move into a new township, we should encourage them to consider starting a new local church.The believers could have open house to make contact with friends in the new neighbourhood. They could gathered believers in the same locality for fellwoship and sharing with them the vision of a local church.
The beleievers could organise some fellowship meetings and Bible study sessions. They could organise talks and social activites. This should carry on till a new local church is formed. All this while, the Home Church should provide all possible assistance to get the work going.
Case Study No.3 Acts 13:4-7/14:1-7/19-23
Mission ActivitiesThe church could send missionaries to do church planting. It is a targeted mission objective. Sending mission teams to a particular location with the aim of starting a local church. Whenever there are new converts, they should be given good discipleship training, preparing them to lead their own local church.
Suggesions for church administration:The senior christian who initiated a new work will definitely manage the new church as their elder/pastor. In its appropriate timing, more locals are appointed to leadership role. Local churches should invite preachers and Bible teavhers to come over to lend a helping hand in nurturing the new group.
Suggestion for Meeting places:Do not rush to acquire property like building etc. Do not inccured the new believers in any form of financial burden. The group could meet at a home, or a hotel conference room, a public utility hall. Try to make good use of ready facility in the surrounding.