Monday, December 11, 2006

EndTime Deception

What is deception? It is a kind of misleading trick, making one to believe that it is right, it is genuine, it is correct;when all the while it is just an imitation, a cheat, causing one to be tricked and trapped in falsehood.

End time deception: Christians being tricked to believe in falsehood, in lies and being led astray from the truth and from the Lord.
"Let no men deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first..."(2Thess 2:3)
" Even him,whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders."(2Thess 2:9)

Knowing that there is a great deception in the Last Day, Christians must be on the lookout, watch and pray lest be deceived. If this is the Last day the whole earth must be filled with evil and sins, and godliness and god fearing people are scares to find.

If this is the Last day, supporters of Anti-Christ, a false church must be having a "revival" to rally support for Anti-Christ. How do we know the true genuine church from that of the false?
It is called the harlot, drunked with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..(Rev 17:6) An unholy union of all so call Christian churches, and some kind of union with multi-faith, multi-religious sects can be expected.

Watch out for the End Time deception and stay off from it. There is not unholy union for the Bride of Christ, which is His Church. The Church of God must be consecrated, set apart, for Christ alone. Amen.

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