Monday, December 25, 2006

Making Good Use of Opportunity

Getting friends to church is not an easy task lately. Everybody is so busy with some important commitment.

However, when it comes to festive like Christmas, friends can be invited to join us for Christmas celebration. We really wanted to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones and some good friends.Can we find a more friendly way to have them around for Christmas? Can we not plan something more visitor friendly and yet boldly proclaiming the gospel?

Thank God we have been able to have many friends and family members joining us at our Christmas dinner. We had it in Golf Resort, we had it in Restaurant. We had it in church premises etc. This year we had it in a car park infront of our church building. However, we had a worship session, song items and carol singing etc. in the church hall. In other words, we had our meeting proper in the church before the dinner at the car park. The crowd paid much attention to the preaching of the gospel. We prayed that the seed thus sown will reap in its time.

This year we had over a hundred people joining us at the dinner. Many of them are friends and relatives of church members. Praise the Lord for His blessings upon all our Christmas activities. Amen.

Missions At Our Door Steps

By God' grace, some 140 Nepalese turned up for this year's Christmas celebration.There were some Philipino and Indonesian friends among them.
It was a time of sharing testimonies, a time of fellowship, and a time of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
They arrived on two buses. Some managed to come on their own.
First food was served.
While some were waiting for their turn to go for food, we managed to share with them the story of Christmas. We have some singing. By the time everyone had had their lunch, our Nepalese leader led a worship and praise sessions. The songs were in their own language.
A few believers shared their testimonies and songs. The crowd clapped along joining in the singing. Pastor preached the Word and it was interpreted into the Nepalese language. The meeting lasted for three hours. Praise the Lord.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Missions & Country Churches

We know how much some churches spend in sending short missions teams overseas every year. Some even support overseas mission projects with substantial fund alocations yearly. However, those city churches that receives christian members nurtured by country and village churches do not seems to pay much attention to their Macedonian cries for help.

This Christmas we manage to pursuade our youths to prepare song items and go into a small church in a fishing village to help celebrating their Christmas Service.

We prepared our songs, our Notebook and LCD projector, gifts for children, and also help to have a speaker to preach the Christmas message. Two cars and one van load of church members went into the fishing village and got the place set up. We presented the songs and and action songs, and our speaker shared the Word. A the end of it, we gave away the gift packs to the chidlren present at the service. The local church members prepared a simple tea reception for all. The pastor was happy to have us helping up at the Christmas celebration.

It is my prayer that Christians and church leaders of city churches would reflect on this " missions trip to the cpountry churches". It helps to encourage the local believers and also cause the sleeping church to become alive with song and praises. This drew a small crowd at the door way of the small church building. The seed is sown. Praise the Lord.

What Is Christmas To You ?

Christmas is a time to tell the Good News --- God loves the World. NTGH making use of this season to tell the world through songs and carols, through testimonies and Christmas dinners, and also through the preaching of the simple Gospel.

Our little girl recites the scripture verses at one of the carol singing sessions.

Let all believers invite friends and relatives to their homes and invite carol singers to come and join them. While waiting for the singers, it is time of fellowship and also time to share the simple Gospel.

We thank God that we have open doors to the hospitals. We went singing, giving away fruits and flowers, encouraging the sick. We went with a prayer: that our presence would remind the people of our Lord Jesus Christ and give a serious thought of what Christmas means.

We also visited the Home for the Aged People --- Jireh Home. It is a yearly affair. Though we could not do much to help, we just hope our visit encourages the pastor and wife and their team of workers in the Home. We also prepared a dinner for the inmates. We gave a gift to the Home to sponsor a month's rental, and fellowship with the pastor & family.

What is Christmas to you?
I hope all Christians remember it is time of thanksgivings. Thanking God for His love and the gift of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a time to show love to the poor and needy. Time to share the good news. It serves as a time of family reunion for many Christian homes. Praise the Lord for anothewr Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all my prayer supporters and Net Friends.

Monday, December 11, 2006

EndTime Deception

What is deception? It is a kind of misleading trick, making one to believe that it is right, it is genuine, it is correct;when all the while it is just an imitation, a cheat, causing one to be tricked and trapped in falsehood.

End time deception: Christians being tricked to believe in falsehood, in lies and being led astray from the truth and from the Lord.
"Let no men deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first..."(2Thess 2:3)
" Even him,whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders."(2Thess 2:9)

Knowing that there is a great deception in the Last Day, Christians must be on the lookout, watch and pray lest be deceived. If this is the Last day the whole earth must be filled with evil and sins, and godliness and god fearing people are scares to find.

If this is the Last day, supporters of Anti-Christ, a false church must be having a "revival" to rally support for Anti-Christ. How do we know the true genuine church from that of the false?
It is called the harlot, drunked with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..(Rev 17:6) An unholy union of all so call Christian churches, and some kind of union with multi-faith, multi-religious sects can be expected.

Watch out for the End Time deception and stay off from it. There is not unholy union for the Bride of Christ, which is His Church. The Church of God must be consecrated, set apart, for Christ alone. Amen.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas at NTGH--Change of Time

This is to inform all who are joining us for the Christmas Special on 25/12/2006 It is now schedule at 6.00pm. Being a course dinner, kindly give us a call to reserve a place for dinner. Sorry for the inconvinience to some.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Children Ministry

We had a BBQ session for our children club kids recently on 11th.Nov.06 The kids enjoyed the fun of simple BBQ stove and fellowship with one another.

They had their prize giving for the term of assignment and attendance at the Children's Club.

Surely in years to come many of these children will be young people and adults, may be fellowshiping in city churches. However, while they are kids they are the responsibility of the small town churches. It is our prayer that city churches will always remember the early stage of this outreach ministry among the smaller churches. Pray for new intake of children, pray that God will raise up teachers for this ministry. Pray for unselfish giving of the saints to invest into this life savings ministry.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Financial Commitment

Just before I forget, this is to share with you some of the financial commitment by NTGH English Assembly.

Since we have just bought our own church building---two units of shop lots we have this monthly repayment commitment RM3000.00
You may consider to contribute towards our fund as part of your thanksgivings to the Lord for His abundant blessings.

We have also a commitment to support and finance the work among the Vietnamese and Nepalese. Presently we spend over a thousand ringgit to ferry them to and fro the church every week. Can you not consider to adopt this ministry as part of your missions commitment in our own doorsteps.

The church is also supporting a couple serving among the students in UKM.

(picture shows Nepalese group photo after three of them were baptised on 8/10/06)

Christmas in NTGH

For those who are considering of spending Christmas with us in NTGH, please take note of the following:-

17/12 Dinner Fellowship with Jireh Home Kulim

22/12 Hospital Caroling starting at 6.3opm

25/12 Christian Special at 11.00am thereafter to a luncheon.

The Chinese Assembly has the following activites on:

22/12 YP Caroling to the homes of friends

23/12 Christmas service at Kuala Kurau Christian Assembly

24/12 Christmas Service at 7.00pm in the church and thereafter to a dinner.


17/12 Christmas for the Vietnamese Fellowship

24/12 Christmas for the Nepalese Fellowship

Pray with us, and pray for opportunity to share the gospel.


To all my dear friends,
As we prepare to enter into 2007, I have created this "blog" to enable quick interaction with all of you.

In this space you are able to "make enquiry", and also to post your latest "news" as well as to discuss over some issues in life.

I hope to make this blog as interesting as possible. I would appreciate your participation as well as contribution to the various discussion.

Your friend