Monday, January 23, 2012

Nepali Beliveres Wedding at NTGH

22nd Jan 2012 was CNY eve. I was busy conducting a nepali belivers weddign service in NTGH. In fact, we are leaving behind a weddign service format for the Nepali congregations. We hope when they are back in nepal, leading their various congregations throughout nepal, they will consider our Nepali wedding Service in NTGH.

First there was this pre marital counselling session with the couple. Then briefing the couple regarding the service order and things not to forget to do or bring to the service.

In the actual wedding service we conducted it in Bahasa interpreted into Nepali mother tongue. We finished the officiating ceremony first, followed by the exhortation. Then giving the service over to the worship leader for song and praises and items presentation. In this case we have the Vietnamese presenting some song items at this Nepali wedding service.

Then we have an elder from NTGH to bless the couple. Having all done, we pronounced them husband and wife before the ending of the service. Tea reception followed.

Praise God for the good turn up of both friends and believers at the wedding service.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

A Blessed New Year

Just to greet all my prayer supporters and my readers a Happy and Blessed New Year.

What do you expect in this 2012?

Rev 9:6 "During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."

What kind of life can it be then?

In the last day, we need to learn to live amid trails and persecution. We need to learn to survive with high cost of living. We need to learn to self motivate, to over come depression and broken spirit. Otherwise many will breakdown and broken in life.

The secret to the challenge of such troubled world is "simple lifestyle", living within "our mean", not to be burdened with many financial commitment.

May I wish all of you a Blessed New Year.