Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Dinner at NTGH English Assembly

Christmas is a recognised festival for Christians in particular. NTGH has always make use of the occasion to reach out to our friends and our loved ones during this festival.

We have been successful in inviting friends and loved ones to the dinner and expose them to Christian songs and the gospel message. One of our church member's sister shared with us how God touched her love during the last Christmas and she had accepted the Lord.

In fact, many of our loved ones have come to know the Lord, accepted the Lord through such visitor friendly occasions.

However, to make it more meaningful and effective, we encourage Christians to actively participate in sharing a testimony, a song item, and inviting more friends and relatives to such function in the future.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Carolling In Hospitals 2011

Thank God for granting us our hearts' desire that we were given the opportunity to sing Christmas carols in two different hospitals this year. As usual, we also gave away fruit packings to hospital inmates as well as nurses and hospital assistance.

We pray that God will bless these people who enjoy our carols and may our presence be a living testimony to the coming of a Savior king.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Visit to Jireh Home

We also visted Jireh Home in Kulim. This time we prepared dinner for the inmates as well as our own members. We sit down to eat with them. We had such closeness in fellowship that make them interacted with us easily.

After the dinner we adjourned to the main hall, and sing some carols. Pastor Kiwi also shared a simple message to remind all of us that the most important thing in life is have Jesus as our Lord. We have the Lord, we have all that we ever needed in life. In Christ Jesus is salvation of our souls, and also the promise of God's presence and provision.

Christmas reminds us that God cares enough to visit us and to save us from sin.

Visit to Canaan Home During Christmas season

We visted Canaan Home on 18th.Dec 2011. Our objective was to share with the workers and the inmates this Christmas Joy that God has given to the world.

Pastor Kiwi shared a simple gospel message and encouraged those who had accepted the Lord as their personal savior to inform the Staff in charge of the Home---sister Shirley.

We sing to them the Christmas carols and also provided them with some food. We also presented each inmate with a simple gift and had practical fellowship with the staff worker.

ALC 2011

It was held from 27-29 November 2011 at Grand Kampar Hotel. It was represneted by 40 different assemblies with a total of 130 participants.

There was a great concern for succession of leadership in local churches. Where are our young adults? How should we equip them to take over leadership?

There was this mention of local and overseas mission projects. Mentioned was made on Project Paul Kampar and Project Nepal Missions.

Thank God that I was not hurt in anyway when someone knocked my car from the behind as I was passing through Ipoh. I spent a night in Ipoh and made the necessary police report etc. I manage to report to the ALC on the next morning.