Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fusukang--Assembly chinese magazine

For the past four years I was appointed by the Chinese Assembly Leaders at the ALC to take charge of producing the regular chinese magazine Fusukang. In the past four years, by God's grace, I managed to come out with 13 issueas of the magazines.

The first 7 issues centered in the theme of Assembly Distinctives and Practices. They were finally binded up as a booklet.

The next 6 issues centered around the various church ministries, and the "know-how" of getting the work done. eg.we had one issue discussing over the visitation ministry and managing the funeral arrangement of church members. We binded up as a second booklet.

Both these booklets will be given away to church representatives who will be coming to the next Chinese ALC this august 30th,31st Aug & 1 sept.2011

I hope to leave behind these two handbooks for future young leaders who may be taking over the leadership role in the assemblies.

Thanks for the prayer and support of this literature ministry.

Passing away of a Sister - in -Christ

Sister Lee Siew Lean passed away at the age of 82. She was called home to be with the Lord on Wednesday 27th.july 2011. Her body was taken back from BM to Parit Buntar .

I knew our sister from the days of my youth in NTGH. She was the wife of our NTGH deacon our late Mr.Ooi kok Koo. She was a faithful supporter for our NTGH Hokkien Fellowship until she moved over to stay with her daughter Lily in BM.

I was having speaking engagement elsewhere, so much so that I could not avail myself to take any of the wake services. We bid her good bye and may God bless her soul in gloryland.

Church Business Meeting

I was schedule to speak at a Chinese meeting one particular sunday. I thought it was good to go early and attend the English meeting and had some fellowship with the saints before my chinese meeting.

I reached early on time. After the Lord's supper and offering collection, there was the short announcement. At the end of the announcement we were told that " Today we have no speaker, instead the church will adjourned to the coffee corner for church business meeting.".

It was not new to me to see a meeting to end abruptly due to no speaker for the day. But it was new to me to have a church business meeting in place of a Word Ministry on Sunday service.

This is something worth pondering, more so for leaders. A few visitors for the morning would not join in to such church business meeting, instead, they left early.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How are you Kiwi?

When I happened to bump into someone I know, mostly from among the churches, people would automatically ask:"How are you Kiwi?"

What they usually mean is that, what are you doing, and how are you getting on?

First of all, I am fine. Am a busy old man too. (Getting old lah!)
I am still in Nibong Tebal, having fellowship and ministry in NTGH English Assembly. I am still actively preaching the Word among the churches (mostly among the Chinese speaking assemblies.)

I am appointed by the Chinese Brethren Assembly Elders Conference to take charge of publishing the Chinese magazine "Fusukang" for a the past four years. A total of 13 issues of the magazine were published during this time. There is this Elders Conference coming up this August 30th-1st.Sep 2011. My term for this job expires at this coming conference.

Circumstances also led me to do tentmaking ministry for the past many many years. During the week I will be busy with mid week meetings as well as running a small business. This helps much in my financial need. However, whenever there is a funeral service or a wedding service commitment, I will have to leave the business alone and attend to the calling of the churches.

Being positive and onward moving, I am also actively overseeing the work among the migrant workers in NTGH. we work with the Vietnamese and Nepali.

Thank God, my three children are working and they are also in fellowship and participating in some ministry as well. They are all in KL.

My wife, Hai yen, is fine. By God's grace, her SLE illness is well under control. She is still on medical treatment and going for routine check up. She is actively participating in the serving ministry in church.

I thank God for good health and positive spirit. Inspite of being forgotten by men, God remembers His servant. God has been good to me ever since I come to trust Him since 12 years old. God is blessing my ministry and providing my need in many special ways ever since I walked in faith into fulltime services since 1977. He is good all the time.Praise the Lord!

I am on my retiring journey of life, passing on many pastoral responsibilities to the church elders, and I am just concentrating on Preaching Ministry. Preach whenever doors are opened to me. Rest and relax when I am fellowshiping with the saints.

So my brethren, Kiwi is fine. He is still on fire for the Lord.