Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Dinner at NTGH English Assembly

Christmas is a recognised festival for Christians in particular. NTGH has always make use of the occasion to reach out to our friends and our loved ones during this festival.

We have been successful in inviting friends and loved ones to the dinner and expose them to Christian songs and the gospel message. One of our church member's sister shared with us how God touched her love during the last Christmas and she had accepted the Lord.

In fact, many of our loved ones have come to know the Lord, accepted the Lord through such visitor friendly occasions.

However, to make it more meaningful and effective, we encourage Christians to actively participate in sharing a testimony, a song item, and inviting more friends and relatives to such function in the future.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Carolling In Hospitals 2011

Thank God for granting us our hearts' desire that we were given the opportunity to sing Christmas carols in two different hospitals this year. As usual, we also gave away fruit packings to hospital inmates as well as nurses and hospital assistance.

We pray that God will bless these people who enjoy our carols and may our presence be a living testimony to the coming of a Savior king.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Visit to Jireh Home

We also visted Jireh Home in Kulim. This time we prepared dinner for the inmates as well as our own members. We sit down to eat with them. We had such closeness in fellowship that make them interacted with us easily.

After the dinner we adjourned to the main hall, and sing some carols. Pastor Kiwi also shared a simple message to remind all of us that the most important thing in life is have Jesus as our Lord. We have the Lord, we have all that we ever needed in life. In Christ Jesus is salvation of our souls, and also the promise of God's presence and provision.

Christmas reminds us that God cares enough to visit us and to save us from sin.

Visit to Canaan Home During Christmas season

We visted Canaan Home on 18th.Dec 2011. Our objective was to share with the workers and the inmates this Christmas Joy that God has given to the world.

Pastor Kiwi shared a simple gospel message and encouraged those who had accepted the Lord as their personal savior to inform the Staff in charge of the Home---sister Shirley.

We sing to them the Christmas carols and also provided them with some food. We also presented each inmate with a simple gift and had practical fellowship with the staff worker.

ALC 2011

It was held from 27-29 November 2011 at Grand Kampar Hotel. It was represneted by 40 different assemblies with a total of 130 participants.

There was a great concern for succession of leadership in local churches. Where are our young adults? How should we equip them to take over leadership?

There was this mention of local and overseas mission projects. Mentioned was made on Project Paul Kampar and Project Nepal Missions.

Thank God that I was not hurt in anyway when someone knocked my car from the behind as I was passing through Ipoh. I spent a night in Ipoh and made the necessary police report etc. I manage to report to the ALC on the next morning.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Gone But Not Forgotten

Simple life and hard working is this brother in Christ---Yong Fu. He was of Butterowrth Gospel Hall and he joined the team to establish a new centre in Alma some years back.

Though he was suddenly called home, missing his daughter and wife, we believe it was the best God could have for him at that point of time. He died of heart attack.

Let us learn from him a BIG lesson, be prepared to meet the Lord anytime. Peace be with our brother.

God Bless Our Aunty Seok Choo

Whenever there is a new convert in NTGH, she would be the first to rejoice with the believer. She would welcome the believer to her house for lunch or dinner and continue to have him/her in special Christian festives.

She encouraged the young ones to serve the Lord.
Whenever there is a need of fund to finance any project, she would be the first to foot the bill.

When the YP had their camp in CCC Penang or activities in church, she would close shop earlier than usual, and joined them. She would bring along some food for tea break.

Our aunty Lim Seok Choo, daughter of our church founder the late Lim Kiah Joo, was a faithful believer and supporter of NTGH. Praise God for her influence in my life as a believer. She is now rested in the Lord.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Peace Be with Aunty Rosy

Aunty Rosy rested in the Lord on 5/9/2011 at the age of 87.
She was such a caring and godly aunty to the KHOR family.

From young the KHOR family had associated with aunty Rosy through Aunty Meow Nai. She and many other aunties have shown much love and care for the KHOR family. It was the love of God that made them do what they had rendered to the KHOR family.

She spoke words of encouragement each time we visited her. When Pastor Kiwi went into fulltime church ministry, she gave her blessing and encouragement.

Though many things had happened in Aunty Rosy's life, but she trusted the Lord in all situation. Though weary and tired in her old age, she still look to the Lord for comfort and strength.

Thank you Aunty Rosy...peace of God be with you, and be blessed in the Lord's holy presence. Amen.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Uncle Kee Yong Seah Gone to Be with the Lord

Mr.Kee suffered a minor storke some 9 years ago. Ever since he had not recovered. He was bed ridden for about four years. He passed to be with the Lord on 2/9/2011

We had wake services for him on 2/9 and 3/9 in his Nibong Tebal home. Funeral service was on 4/9 and he was buried at our NTGH Cemetery in Jawi.

Thanki God for His salvation and thank God for a good timing of Mr. Kee's departure. Being a series of public holidays, many were able to attend the services. May God comfort the family members in time of this bereavement.

Chinese Elders Conference 2011

The 15th.Elders Conference was held at Penang Berjaya Hotel from 30th.Aug 2011 to 1st.Sept.2011

About 80 participants from 17 different assemblies came for this conference.

The Lord has spoken in the conference through four different speakers. There is sign of a spiritual awakening among the leaders. Pray that this will set a revival among the various assemblies.

Pastor Kiwi has also presented a report regarding the Chinese magazine "fusukang". He had also surrendered the responsibility to his successor---Burmah Road Chinese Gospel Hall had agreed to take up the job.

Thanks for your prayer support.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Plan for 2012

Each year at this period, before the end of the year, Pastor Kiwi has the habit of waiting upon the Lord for guidance and planning into the next year.

Pastor Kiwi is now seeking the Lord to plan for 2012.

One thing is sure, Pastor Kiwi is giving up the Literature Ministry "Fusukang" for good. Pastor Kiwi has come out with two volumns of booklets consisting of all the 13 issues of the magazines produced for the four year terms. These booklets will serve as a guide book for future young leadership. It carries the articles on Brethren Distinctives, pastoral know-how, and also notes for the various church ministries.

Most probably Pastor Kiwi will spend more time back in NTGH, giving priority to preaching ministry. Less traveling in 2012.

Pastor Kiwi will continue to help up in the nearby assemblies occasionally.

Pray for fresh vision and faith to move in steps with the Lord's leading in estblishing new ministries.

Chinese ALC

The Pan Malaysian Chinese Brethren Assembly Leaders' Conference will be held at Berjaya Hotel, Penang from 30th.Aug-1st.Sep 2011.

Pastor Kiwi has been appointed to take charge of the Chinese magazine Fusukang for the last two terms (total of four years). Pastor Kiwi's second term to the literature ministry expires at this ALC. The ALC will nominate another person (group of people) to take charge of it.

This literature ministry was initiated at the 2nd ALC in 1986. It has been going on ever since. Just pray that another person will come forward to take charge of it.

Pastor Kiwi will present a report for the literature ministry at the ALC. This will mark the end of the term and the officil handling of the responsibilty to another.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Kean Yong

It had been for some times that my chidlren are not back home.....working in KL.

They came back on the 13th.& 14th.august week end.

We took the opportunity to celebrate Kean Yong's belated birthday. We had not been celebrating their birthday for some time.....when we had this one, we were so unprepared, singing the birthday song, lighting up the candle, cutting the card, and taking the photos etc.

Haha.... Happy birthday to my Kean Yong. Move on in life in step with God's guidance.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fusukang--Assembly chinese magazine

For the past four years I was appointed by the Chinese Assembly Leaders at the ALC to take charge of producing the regular chinese magazine Fusukang. In the past four years, by God's grace, I managed to come out with 13 issueas of the magazines.

The first 7 issues centered in the theme of Assembly Distinctives and Practices. They were finally binded up as a booklet.

The next 6 issues centered around the various church ministries, and the "know-how" of getting the work done. eg.we had one issue discussing over the visitation ministry and managing the funeral arrangement of church members. We binded up as a second booklet.

Both these booklets will be given away to church representatives who will be coming to the next Chinese ALC this august 30th,31st Aug & 1 sept.2011

I hope to leave behind these two handbooks for future young leaders who may be taking over the leadership role in the assemblies.

Thanks for the prayer and support of this literature ministry.

Passing away of a Sister - in -Christ

Sister Lee Siew Lean passed away at the age of 82. She was called home to be with the Lord on Wednesday 27th.july 2011. Her body was taken back from BM to Parit Buntar .

I knew our sister from the days of my youth in NTGH. She was the wife of our NTGH deacon our late Mr.Ooi kok Koo. She was a faithful supporter for our NTGH Hokkien Fellowship until she moved over to stay with her daughter Lily in BM.

I was having speaking engagement elsewhere, so much so that I could not avail myself to take any of the wake services. We bid her good bye and may God bless her soul in gloryland.

Church Business Meeting

I was schedule to speak at a Chinese meeting one particular sunday. I thought it was good to go early and attend the English meeting and had some fellowship with the saints before my chinese meeting.

I reached early on time. After the Lord's supper and offering collection, there was the short announcement. At the end of the announcement we were told that " Today we have no speaker, instead the church will adjourned to the coffee corner for church business meeting.".

It was not new to me to see a meeting to end abruptly due to no speaker for the day. But it was new to me to have a church business meeting in place of a Word Ministry on Sunday service.

This is something worth pondering, more so for leaders. A few visitors for the morning would not join in to such church business meeting, instead, they left early.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How are you Kiwi?

When I happened to bump into someone I know, mostly from among the churches, people would automatically ask:"How are you Kiwi?"

What they usually mean is that, what are you doing, and how are you getting on?

First of all, I am fine. Am a busy old man too. (Getting old lah!)
I am still in Nibong Tebal, having fellowship and ministry in NTGH English Assembly. I am still actively preaching the Word among the churches (mostly among the Chinese speaking assemblies.)

I am appointed by the Chinese Brethren Assembly Elders Conference to take charge of publishing the Chinese magazine "Fusukang" for a the past four years. A total of 13 issues of the magazine were published during this time. There is this Elders Conference coming up this August 30th-1st.Sep 2011. My term for this job expires at this coming conference.

Circumstances also led me to do tentmaking ministry for the past many many years. During the week I will be busy with mid week meetings as well as running a small business. This helps much in my financial need. However, whenever there is a funeral service or a wedding service commitment, I will have to leave the business alone and attend to the calling of the churches.

Being positive and onward moving, I am also actively overseeing the work among the migrant workers in NTGH. we work with the Vietnamese and Nepali.

Thank God, my three children are working and they are also in fellowship and participating in some ministry as well. They are all in KL.

My wife, Hai yen, is fine. By God's grace, her SLE illness is well under control. She is still on medical treatment and going for routine check up. She is actively participating in the serving ministry in church.

I thank God for good health and positive spirit. Inspite of being forgotten by men, God remembers His servant. God has been good to me ever since I come to trust Him since 12 years old. God is blessing my ministry and providing my need in many special ways ever since I walked in faith into fulltime services since 1977. He is good all the time.Praise the Lord!

I am on my retiring journey of life, passing on many pastoral responsibilities to the church elders, and I am just concentrating on Preaching Ministry. Preach whenever doors are opened to me. Rest and relax when I am fellowshiping with the saints.

So my brethren, Kiwi is fine. He is still on fire for the Lord.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

There is a Time for everything

I am presently working on my Fusukang 54 which is mainly a discussion on Missions. Many felt that only big churches are talking about missions not the small country churches. Whereas in fact, every local church should be involved in missions in oneway or other.

When this issue No.54 is done, my assignment of two terms (4 years) for fusukang is up. I will compile issues 49-54 as a booklet. It will be printed out and be distributed to all Chinese Brethren churches at the coming Elder Conference in August 2011. I can see that my involvement in fusukang will end with this final assignment.

As far as working among migrant workers is concern, I am more on the advisory role. The actual doing of the job is more of equiping the migrant believers to run their own services and plan their own work. This is more so with the Nepali works.

As far as the Vietnamese work is concern, God has prepared workers to work among them. Of late we have a sister coming to work among them.

I am also cutting down my itinerary preaching schedule. I can see that it is time to slow down and allow younger people to take the lead.

I strongly believe there is a time for everything. And so be it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going to Perdana Gospel Hall

I will be taking a series of meetings this week end----Good Friday & Easter Sunday. I will be preaching in Perdana Gospel Hall,Pusing,Perak.

I am sure God will add His blessing upon the people as they come together to hear His Word. Friday---A Spiritual Awakening. Saturday---- Salvation Belongs to the Lord, it is His gift to man kind. Sunday----Life Transformation In Christ Jesus. Sunday afternoon there is another Youth Meeting---- A Wise Choice In Life

Pray that God will bless the preaching of His Word.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Chinese Fusukang No.53

Admist busy schedule I managed to write articles for Fusukang No.53 In this issue i discuss about Christian funeral and also Church visitation program. In fact, I had Fusukang 42-48 compiled as a book and it is almost finish stork. This compilation carries articles on church doctrine and pratices. Issue 49-54 (next up coming issue) is about the "how to..." in church ministry. God willing, when issue 54 is ready (by end July 2011), I will again compile 49-54 as a book. This time it is about the "how to..." in church ministry. Hopefully these two books will act as a hand book for church leaders in carrying out the various ministries in the local church. If you can read Chinese and would like to have a copy, you can email to me and provide me your mailing address. Or you may go to read from the web-edition at Thank you. Kiwi

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Years are catching up

It was just like a week ago that I came forth to serve fulltime. But it was not so.It was back in 1977. I was in my 20s. But now I am in my early 60s.
As a reflection: I could only say, we must fill in the gap where God made us fitted in. We will be there as long as we are needed. Sooner or later we must be replaced.
Today as I look around us, I have only one question to ask: where are our young people? Who will continue our work? How was our equipping and discipling ministry? Instead, I can see many elderly leaders are still struggling to lead the local churches. Is it effective? Is the congregation growing?
We like it or not, it is time to let go. Let go while we are still able to provide the counsel and while we are still around to guide the new leaders.
Thank God for those passing years of ministry and for the many many of you who have been my prayer supporters and in fellowship with me.