Sunday, May 30, 2010

A God Blessed Week End 30/5/2010

I had a good day at Burmah Road Gospel Hall Chinese Assemnly,taking two meetings for the week end. When I returned to Nibong Tebal I had to get ready for the Vietnamese Wedding Service in NTGH English Hall.
A number of us represented the groom's side to bless the day. A few others represented the bride side to bless the day. It was such a memorial day---first Vietnamese Wedding in church.
I was asked to say the opneing prayer.
May God bless the couple.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Morib Trip Follow up

It was a great camp,well organised and active participation from members and church leaders.
Group discussion brought forth much benefit to the members. Even the younger ones are well occupied. They did a good handy work too.
Personally I believe a well plan One-day Camp can bring about the spiritual benefit to church members as much as a three-day camp. In fact, the busy schedule of church members would not allow time for a longer camp. Such a One-Day Camp is a alternative for them. I am sure church leaders can give a consideration to such posibility and to benefit church unity and church growth.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Morib One-Day Camp

I will be driving to Morib Impian Hotel to take up a camp organised by Janjarom Gospel Hall. It is held on 28/5 Wesak public holiday. I am expected to reach before 9am and the camp dismiss at 5pm. I hope to drive from 3am to reach at 8am. Pray for my safety on the road.

Knowing that I can never make it back to Nibong Tebal after break camp, I decided to put a night there and start my return journey well before lunch on 29/5. In fact Klang Gospel Hall would like to have me at their morning service on 30/5 but I have to speak at Penang Burmah Road Chinese Assembly on 30/5.

I will be taking a 3-day camp from 9-11/June organised by BRGH Chinese Assembly. Do uphold me in prayer. Thanks.


Thanks for your concern

Praise the Lord! A number of my supporters have been asking where is Kiwi? No news from him. Others are wondering what happened to Kiwi. Lately I have also received a card and a fellowship gift from Singapore Sewing Circle.

Once again many thanks for remembering me before God.

I am fine. However, having well past my 60th.birthday, it is time to slow down. More so after 33 years of fulltime ministry. It is time to get ready for my "old age".

Fruther more, my work is now in good hands....leaders are handling church administration, not me. Surely it is time to fall back to my "calling'....preaching ministry. Thus I am moving around with invitations to speak at various assemblies.

You may have heard that Kiwi has gone back to secular job. Not true.Kiwi has taken up tent making ministry. Some 10 years ago due to some misunderstanding, churches were led to believe that Kiwi has left the Assembly. All practical fellowship were cut. It was a tough time for me. It was a time that my children were growing up. Thus I had to fall back to do some small business to keep myself going.

Though badly hurt yet never give up. Thank God my children are all out of their universities,and had taken up jobs and actively involved themselves in church ministry. During this hard time, I had to see my wife to medical treatment for her SLE illness. It was tough time with almost everybody leaving me. Thank God for NTGH which backs me up all this while.

Nevertheless, I had not slack in anyway in the ministry. Thank God for the strength and the encouragement. And it was because of this "rejection" from the Assemblies, that I had decided to stop my KiwiNewsletters.

Do pray with me as I continue to serve the Lord in this last lapse of my life.
