Thursday, April 22, 2010

Impian Gospel Centre/Butterworth Gospel Hall YP

It is not easy to keep young people at our Youth Fellowship. You must have something interesting to hold them,otherwise, they will drop off from meeting.
If your number is too small to hold a meeting, how about combine with a nearby church? If you have man power problem, how about share your resources?
Butterworth has its YP combined with Impian Gospel Centre. Youth leaders made an effort to fetch the young people to meeting. The Youth leader at Impian Gospel Centre also made an effort to bring in their own YPs. They shared their resources, with leaders from both churches coming together to lead the YP Fellowship.
The objective is to keep the youths and help them to grow up in the knowledge of God. Sharing with them the gospel and winning them to Christ. What makes you so reluctant to combine your small youth congregation with that of a neighbouring church?
Thank God I was invited to speak to this group on 17/4 and I am glad to see so many of them. May God bless them.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Trip To The South

I had my first trip to the south after serving fulltime for 33 years.
I was invited by Sedenak Gospel Hall to take two meetings on 10/4 and 11/4.
I thank God for the blessing of preaching His Word at this church. I am sure God has touched their lives. I also make an effort to visit Kulai Gospel Hall. Just wanted to know its whereabout. On the way back to Nibong Tebal, I made a special visit to Jasin Home for the Aged. I had the opportunity to encourage the sister who is serving fulltime at this Home.
In fact, it is common that people just forget those who serve fulltime among the Brethren. More so if you work among special ministry, not standing fore front in the church congregation. This jasin Home is a caring ministry initiated and operated by the Brethren churches.
Though the journey was tiring, driving from NT to Sedenak and returned the next day after the morning service, it was worth it. May God bless the churches in Sedenak, Kulai and Jasin.Amen.