Monday, August 04, 2008

Need of Support

During the recent Oversight meeting we noticed the following:

1. We need fund to continue supporting the ministry among the foreign workers. We have just launch a food aid program in July. We encourage our members to contribute in cash and kind to assist these foreign workers in their daily food provisions to make up for the high cost of living created by the fuel price crisis.

2. We need fund to pay back the bank loans for the two inits of shoplots that we are presently using as our church premises. Every month NTGH is paying RM3200.00 (begining August 2008) for the loan repayment instalments.

3. We need volunteers to drive the church van to help fetching some foreign workers back to their quarters after the morning worship services. (To cut down the number of trips for the hired van.)

4. We need fund to pay for the air-cond project (still short of RM1900).

May our good God continue to bless NTGH.

Making Good Use of Opportunity

NTGH English Assembly leadership believed that we must make good use of opportunity to equip the Nepali Christians preparing them to do church planting back in their motherland. Thus we encouraged them to come and stay in church on Saturday night. We planned to hold a special teaching session with them during the night and God, willing, teach them English as much as we can.

This was officially started on 2nd August. Fifiteen of them came. Kiwi will be doing with them the module on "Local church and it's missions". We hope to cover this for August and September.

After the night sessions the group put up in the church and preparing themselves for the worship the next morning. Do Pray with us that the group will be euipped for future church planting in Nepal.