Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Love Has A Price

Fifteen Nepalese lost their job recently. They were dismissed from their work place unreasonably, without any form of compensation.

Among them were some who had just accepted the Lord Jesus. The church rented a flat to put them up temporary. Another church contributed in kinds. Yet another offered legal aids to arrange help to meet up with the Labor Court.

In the mean time, our Nepalese leaders Amar and Sudir also lost their job. Their factory winded up. At the first look it was an unfortunate matter. However, it turned up to be a blessing. The two could help to encourage the 15 of them. They have time to meet with them daily in the church and have prayer sessions and Bible studies with them. Even those who were non-christians accepted the Lord through these sessions.

The church contributed to the need of three Nepalese who were short of fund to buy a return air ticket.10 of them were sent back to Nepal middle of May. Five remained for an extended period to appear before the Labor Court.

By this time, God opened a door for Amar and Sudir. Sudir was placed to work with the factory of a church leader. Amar was admited to GLO Training Centre for a short period. While they were at the new place, they tried to reachout to other Nepalese as well. Praise the Lord !

To love and to care costs money. The rental, the food, and transportation, the air-tickets etc. God bless our Nepalese brethren. We prayed that they will plant churches upon their return to the homeland.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Start It Right

I have seen many people trying to initiate a new ministry or a new fellowship meeting and ended up badly. It failed to take off. Some not able to achieve its objective. What had gone wrong?
Many of these failed projects lack clear objective. Even if they had good objective, they had tried to do many things in one simple effort. They were not focused.

Start it right. Have a simple focused objective for any particular ministry. Ask one simple question: what do you hope to achieve through the project? With all efforts and wisdom, work on it.

Take one good example: a Student Christian Fellowship. What do we hope to achieve from this ministry? We hope to share the gospel and impart Christian value through the CF meetings. By so doing, we hope to invite the students to our Youth Fellowship and get them to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus in such meeting, Christian songs and testimonies play a major role. At such a meeting, we will organise talks relating to youth and studies, relationship and character building. Bible stories from the Old testament should be interesting to them. Our objective is trying to invite them to the church Youth Fellowsip.

Once we got what we want, we will work on it. And we will make the meetings interesting with some games and laughters. God willing, we will get some friends interested in joining the Youth Fellowship in the church.

In A Senior Citizens fellowship: first ask what we hope to achieve from it. Evangelistic and fellowship for the senior group. Thus in our meetings we must always tell of the good news God has brought to the world. We must be able to let them see the joy and hope in Christ. At the same time it must be light and casual. Refreshment served at the end of a simple gathering. Since we hope to impart the Word, we must make use of simple dialet etc.

What I wanted to say is to be specific in what we want to achieve when we initiated a particular new ministry. Do not try to do too much at one attempt.